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Monday, March 21, 2011

Fog-proof windows, courtesy of Canada

A woman battles the fog menace.
Photo Credit watchmojo.com.
It appears Crown Royal will have another Canadian invention to use in their advertisements while we are watching Hockey Night in Canada.

Imagine this: You are leaving work after a long day. It's been tough, but finally the day is over and all you have to do is hop in your vehicle and drive home.

As you leave your work building you are buffeted by a strong gust of freezing cold wind, making the -30 degree weather feel more like -40.

You sprint to your car and enter, but you are already frozen. With your arm shivering you put the key in and start the ignition. Just as you are about to put your car in gear and start your trek home, you look up to see the ghostly fingers of fog creeping their way across the windshield.

You curse as you come to the realization that you simply cannot drive as you are unable to see. And then you hear the howling of wolves...

Now, what if I told you it didn't have to be this way.

According to a report from Auto123, researchers at the University of Leval in Quebec have come up with a solution.

The solution is in fact just that: a solution of polyvinyl alcohol. However, according to the article, it has not been tested in cars yet.

The good news is that is expected to happen sometime in the near future, and if it does, and if it works, those nights as described above would be a thing of the past.

No waiting, no cursing, and no wolves.

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